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Relatively recently, the online PC game distribution platform Steam has started allowing more mature games onto its store. An unfortunate caveat to this, however, is that many of these games are required to be censored, typically for nudity and sexual content, in order for them to be allowed to be published on the store.

Luckily, developers aren't leaving their customers high and dry (so to speak). Developers of these censored games are providing "uncensor patches", allowing the full glory of their games to be revealed, even if they have been bought through the restrictive Steam storefront. These patches come in various shapes and sizes, and typically the information surrounding these patches comes from a variety of sources, which can make it hard to track down whether or not a patch even exists, and if so, where.

The current system for retrieving these uncensor patches, or even finding out if they exist for any given game, is a complete shambles. It takes too long, requires too much digging, and the download sites for these patches tend to be questionable at best (on top of the reliance that what you're downloading is legitimate anyway).

This is why I've created UncensorPat.ch, a Steam uncensor patch database that:

  1. Allows for quick and easy checking if an uncensor patch exists for any given game
  2. Gives a consistent and reliable source for finding uncensor patch information
  3. Provides tested instructions for how to install the patch

I've decided to put content on the site that I have not personally verified, as owning every uncensored game is more of a commitment than I could make. That said, I am marking on the games pages whether or not I have personally verified a patch. If there are any issues with unverified patches, please let me know immediately so that I can pull the data straight away to avoid any more issues / confusion!

Thank you for visiting the site, I welcome any feedback or suggestions, contact details can be found on the contact page.

Want to keep up to date with the latest uncensored games and patches? Subscribe to the UncensorPat.ch mailing list.

You'll receive fortnightly emails with the latest uncensored games and uncensor patches. Your email will only be used for sending you UncensorPat.ch-related information, and you can opt-out anytime either via the link in the emails or via the Unsubscribe page.

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